Our News
Annual General Meeting 2024
Our 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on 9 July 2024. To read the accompanying Chairman's Report please click here.

Restoration Works - June 2024
Lopping Hall would like to thank the Essex Heritage Trust for making a grant available for the foundation stone and The Loughton Town Council for additional funding which has made our latest restoration works on the original Station Road entrance possible.

The Town Mayor Cllr Barbara Cohen opened the Treasure Hunt event at Lopping Hall on Sunday 23rd April 2023.
A good time was had by all those that attended and it was an excellent opportunity for local residents to get together and for some of those that use Lopping Hall for events such as Theatre, dancing and Karate to showcase their work and activities.
It also gave residents the opportunity to discuss any concerns that they have with the Mayor and the Community Manager, Pippa Bryce and learn more about what the Loughton Town Council does to assist the community.

The Mayor raises funds for local organisations and this year the Mayor is supporting Lopping Hall and specifically to raise funds for the installation of air conditioning in the Theatre.
The Defibrillator Fund - August 2022
Our thanks go to those that gave generously to fund this essential emergency medical kit.

Annual General Meeting 2022
Our 2022 Annual General Meeting was held on 12 July 2022. To read the accompanying Chairman's Report please click here.

Annual General Meeting 2021
Our 2021 Annual General Meeting was held on 14 July 2021. To read the accompanying Chairman's Report please click here.

Lopping Hall Update - September 2020
A new state of the art central heating system is being installed in the first week of October – ready for the winter months!
The new high speed broadband system is now installed in the main hall, small hall and the Willingale room. Useful for those also wanting to zoom their activities.
A new audio and PA system is now installed in the upper and lower hallway areas. Relaxing music or radio for those waiting for classes - socially distanced of course!
Lopping Hall Update - July 2020
During recent weeks, we have carried out work at LH to ensure that we can reopen as and when lockdown restrictions are lifted for our sector. For our part, we will be ready to open by mid-July.
The entrance Hall, Small Hall and Buckley’s Bar have all been repainted. The entrance door and window areas are now being repainted and new Lopping Hall signage will be going up, together with a second commercial monitor to advertise shows and our rooms for hire.
The premises will be deep cleaned by our new cleaning contractors before we reopen and three wall mounted sanitiser units have been placed in the entrance hall and upper lobby areas. High touch areas such as door handles and handrails will be sanitised on a regular basis. All heavy duty lino type floors will be machine cleaned to bring them back to near original standards.
As most of you know, the Theatre / Main Hall hardwood Maple floor was sanded and surface coated just before the lockdown. The floor is now back to the original (1895) hardwood Maple blond colour and not the dark, almost black colour that you might remember.
A new fast broadband connection has been installed with access points in the small and main halls. This will allow for zoom conferencing and the broadcasting of other activities that usually take place at LH.
Chairman's Report 2020
Our 2020 Annual General Meeting was held on 26 June 2020. To read the accompanying Chairman's Report click here.

Chairman's Report 2019
Our 2019 Annual General Meeting was held on 24 April 2019. To read our Chairman's Report click here.

Lopping Hall Works
Recently a programme of works at Lopping Hall by the Directors has resulted in significant improvements to the facilities and structure of the Hall.
Some of the work which has already been completed includes:
Lift access to the first floor
Chairlift access to the Willingale room (first floor)
Renovated Kitchen and Bar
The Directors welcome suggestions for future improvements, email comments to loppinghallloughton@gmail.com.

Buckley's Bar Unveiled
In April 2019 our newly refurbished kitchen and bar (the 'Buckley's Bar') were unveiled by the Town Mayor and members of the Buckley family.
Mayor of Loughton, Mr Stephen Murray said it is one of the most important buildings in the town. He added: "It is very clear what a great community role this hall has and will continue to have for community, theatrical and arts groups based in and around Loughton”
Much of the money came from Buckley family, who have a long association with Lopping Hall and LADS.